Mouse Rodeo

Rodeo, Gather Together

All roads lead to the Mouse Rodeo.

The rodeo is a small gathering around a table of friends and coworkers, new and old. A place of fun and friendly, networking, storytelling, and reconnecting.

Upcoming Rodeos

Camarillo, CA - Feb/Mar 2023

Gather around a table in Camarillo hosted by mando.

Feb/Mar 2023
Camarillo, CA
Request an Invite (max 10 spots)

Denver, CO — April 2023

Join us in Denver for a small gathering hosted by mando and RT.

April 19, 2023
Denver, CO
Request an Invite (max 10 spots)


Seriously what is this? - Matthew Anderson (mando) had a wild idea and no one stopped him yet. The meetup idea, the brand name, and the early invite lists are all linked to my days at TaxJar.

How much will it cost? - We will have limited seats and most likely everyone pays something to try to cover the costs of the gathering.

How long does it last? - These are one night only events, likely just a lunch or dinner. Travel is not expected, these should happen in different places.

Who can be invited? - These are starting as smaller gatherings. Of course no jerks allowed. If you worked at TaxJar you definitely will be invited, then new coworkers, and friends and family as well.

I want to host a rodeo - Connect with Matt and he can help you find people to invite.